
Dagstuhl Seminar on Inductive Programming

The 7th AAIP Workshop on Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming is accepted as Dagstuhl Seminar 17382 and will take place September 17 to 20, 2017. The workshop is jointly organized by Ute Schmid (University of Bamberg), Stephen Muggleton (Imperial College London), and Rishabh Singh (MIT and Microsoft Research).

For more information, see the Dagstuhl Seminar Page.

RuleML Blog Report about Dagstuhl Seminar AAIP'16

AAIP'16 in the RuleML Blog

CACM on Inductive Programming

The review article “Inductive programming meets the real world” by Gulwani, Hernández-Orallo, Kitzelmann, Muggleton, Schmid, and Zorn has been published in the Communications of the ACM, Vol. 58 No. 11, Pages 90-99. 10.1145/2736282
see fulltext

Wikipedia Page on Inductive Programming

José Hernández-Orallo and Ute Schmid created Wikipedia articles for Inductive Programming and Inductive Functional Programming.

Dagstuhl Seminar "Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming"

José Hernández-Orallo (Polytechnic University of Valencia, ES), Stephen H. Muggleton (Imperial College London, GB), Ute Schmid (Universität Bamberg, DE) and Benjamin Zorn (Microsoft Research - Redmond, US) organize Dagstuhl Seminar 15442 "Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming" scheduled for October 25 to 30, 2015.

The seminar is a continuation of the AAIP workshop series.

Please visit the AAIP 15 Homepage.

Report of Dagstuhl Seminar

We're pleased to inform you that the report of Dagstuhl Seminar 13502 is now published as part of the periodical Dagstuhl Reports.

The report is available online at the DROPS Server.

Dagstuhl Seminar "Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming"

Ute Schmid (University of Bamberg), Emanuel Kitzelmann (University of Duisburg-Essen), Sumit Gulwani (Microsoft Research) and Marcus Hutter (Austrian National University) organize Dagstuhl Seminar 13502 "Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming" scheduled for Monday, December 09 to December 11, 2013. The seminar is a continuation of the AAIP workshop series.

Please visit the AAIP 13 Homepage.

4th Workshop AAIP 2011

AAIP 2011 Homepage

Ute Schmid and Emanuel Kitzelmann organize the 4th Workshop on Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming. It will take place on July 19, 2011, in Odense, Denmark. Co-located events are the 13th International ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP 2011) and the 21st International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2011).

Details can be found on the AAIP 2011 Homepage.



Workshops and related Events


The biannual workshop series "Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming" (AAIP) was started 2005. AAIP aims at bringing together researchers working on different approaches to inductive programming with the goal of discussing and evaluating the relative strengths and limitations of the different approaches (class of learnable programs, quality of learned programs, amount of background knowledge needed for synthesis, efficiency of synthesis, etc.). Furthermore, current applications are presented.

Current Workshop:

Past Workshops:

Themed Sessions at AGI

IP as a topic of interest at PEPM'10

Conference Tutorials

ICML 2006

Tutorial at the International Conference on Machine Learning, 2006. Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. on Automatic Inductive Programming held by Ricardo Aler Mur.


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